“If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.”
Personifying the core characteristics that make Brookdale special, Mallory Stern’s empathy, commitment and enthusiasm make her a surefire asset to our Leadership Team. Driven by a passion to help addicted individuals and their families, Mallory’s desire to be of service defines who she is both professionally and personally.
Originally from South Jersey, Mallory began her career in 2013 at Summit Behavioral Health after losing a loved one to the effects of addiction. As Brand Development and Marketing Manager, Mallory immersed herself in this role, learning all she could about the treatment industry and creating long-lasting relationships with other professionals. Other experience includes working within the Alumni Services Department, where she oversaw all alumni affairs, outreach efforts and maintaining connection with former patients on their continued path in recovery.
It is Mallory’s hope to foster a culture where “going above and beyond is the norm” – a personal philosophy which is exemplified in all her efforts as Marketing Project Director. Showing unconditional support as a colleague and supervisor, as well as an incredible ability to relate and connect with our patients, she continuously places the well-being of others above all.
Outside of work, Mallory enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, reading and journaling. It is her hope to one day become a published writer.