Currently residing in New Jersey, Jennifer is a dedicated and passionate individual that joined the Brookdale team as a family counselor and is now a clinical counselor with several years of experience in the field of substance use and mental health treatment.
A graduate of Centenary College (now Centenary University), Jennifer obtained her bachelor’s in social work in 2015. She is presently working on her CADC and will start her MA in integrated health in the spring of 2024. Her experience prior to Brookdale includes mental, behavioral and substance use counseling with adolescents; mental health and SUD therapist for intensive outpatient program for adults; and therapeutic interventions for individuals, families and groups with substance use and mental health disorders.
Jennifer has seen the impact of substance abuse firsthand in both her personal and professional life and is committed to helping individuals and their families begin to heal and rebuild. Her approach is compassionate, direct and non-judgmental to help create an environment where one feels supported in their recovery journey.