Alcohol Abuse Rises Amongst Parents During COVID-19

The pandemic has created much anxiety for everyone — especially parents. From new schooling formats to uncertainties regarding jobs, confusion and frustration abound. Despite vaccinations occurring at the time of writing, the emergence of new variants put parents in a perpetual tug of war game between hope and despair.
For a significant number of parents, coping has come in the form of alcohol usage. According to the Washington Post, more than 26% of parents have reported increasing their alcohol intake since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.
There is no denying that alcohol use has shot up during the lockdowns. Read on to learn more about the possible factors that have driven parents towards alcohol usage.
The Stress of Multitasking at Home
Stress is a key driver of alcohol use among parents, according to Science Direct. Stress has been the result of juggling parental responsibilities and those of an employee, a secondary educator, and a caregiver.
For many parents, the lines separating these responsibilities have grown blurry, resulting in a disruption in one’s sense of roles. This can create confusion that, when persistent daily, can add to feelings of stress. As many will attest to, alcohol is often viewed as a respite from stress owing to its sedative effects.
Anxiety from Financial Uncertainty
Along with the stresses brought by role confusion, stress can occur as a result of financial uncertainty. Within a household, many parents are breadwinners, relying upon their occupations and businesses for the household’s income.
With the pandemic forcing many businesses to shut down, jobs and enterprises are placed in limbo. For many, closing down or being laid off is not a question of “if” but a question of “when?”
The possibility of losing income causes parents to feel anxious and turn to alcohol for relief.
Uncertainty About the Future
The uncertainty of the times can lead parents to feel anxious about what the future may bring not just for themselves but for their children as well. With no end in sight, many parents experience feelings of hopelessness, especially when faced with problems involving finances or their children’s schooling.
To combat these effects, many parents have found several ways to cope. Some have turned to alternative pursuits like exercise or exploring hobbies. Unfortunately, a significant number have chosen alcohol over these productive coping strategies.
There Is No Shame in Getting Help
The pandemic has certainly taken a toll on the mental health of families. Sadly, the anxiety and stress caused by the times have driven many parents towards alcohol use and abuse.
Help is always available. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, get in touch with us at Brookdale Recovery. Feel free to verify whether your insurance will cover your recovery.
Recover from addiction and take back control of life at Brookdale Recovery.