6 Signs Your Partner Is Abusing Drugs

One of the most difficult things for people to admit is that their partner may be abusing drugs. This is understandable as every person wants to see the good in their loved ones. However, when you have reason to suspect that your partner is abusing substances, it’s better to spot the signs early, so you can help them get the drug abuse treatment they need. Below are six signs that your partner might be abusing drugs.
1. Sudden Changes in Behavior
Sudden behavioral changes are one of the most recognizable signs that your partner might be abusing drugs. Substance abuse can cause extreme mood swings that your partner might not have been exhibiting before. In some cases, substance abuse can even lead to violent behaviors.
However, behavioral changes may also indicate a mental health disorder, so don’t be quick to pin this solely on drug abuse. Nevertheless, this warrants a visit to a health professional.
2. Social Withdrawal
Part of a healthy relationship is being able to function as independent individuals, which means that having some alone time is normal. However, if you notice that your partner has been withdrawing socially for unusually long periods of time and in more frequent intervals, this can mean drugs are involved. This is because substance abusers tend to hide their addiction and get high alone.
3. Refusal To Communicate
Just as they tend to withdraw socially, substance abusers also have the tendency to keep to themselves and refuse to communicate. They may even lie and keep secrets from you. The problem with this behavior is that one lie leads to another, and in time they won’t be able to keep up. If you catch them being dishonest multiple times, making wild excuses, or being agitated when they’re asked questions, it’s possible that they might be abusing drugs.
4. Money Might Be Missing
If you’re sharing a bank account with a partner abusing drugs, you might find your hard-earned money missing. Similarly, if you notice some of your funds or valuable belongings missing from your house, it’s likely that they’re using this money to fund their addiction. If they can’t explain where the money went, it’s highly possible that they’re using it to buy drugs.
5. Impaired Performance
Similar to behavioral changes, drug abuse can also cause impaired performance. Whether it’s at work, at school, or even while driving, drugs can negatively affect how your partner may deal with responsibilities and daily activities.
6. Sudden Loss of Interest in the Relationship
Perhaps one of the most difficult signs to accept is if your partner suddenly loses interest in your relationship. While couples can fall out of love, it’s the abruptness and inexplicability that can cause suspicion. Keep in mind that drugs may affect a user’s judgment and even cause them to take high-risk behaviors such as unprotected sex with strangers.
Save Your Relationship By Getting Professional Help
It’s important to note that one or two of these signs don’t necessarily mean that your partner is abusing drugs. However, if they’re exhibiting most of these symptoms, it might be time to get them help. Contact Brookdale today and get your partner the treatment they need. Insurance may cover most, if not all costs, associated with treatment at Brookdale.